My Personal Avatar


I created my avatar with the website As you can see in my virtual portrait, I have blonde hair, aqua eyes, a little spot under my eye just as I do in real life. Some other ways that I displayed my personality through my online picture are having a baseball background that shows my love for baseball, holding a basketball in my hands to communicate my enjoyment of other sports, and wearing black and white clothes that show that I don’t like bright colors. All in all, I feel as though my interests and personality are conveyed very well through this avatar.

Online vs. Offline

When I am online, I am a totally different person than I am with my friends or family. While online, I generally try to be careful about what I say, what I look at, and what I post. On the other hand, I am very nonchalant about what I do offline. Although I am more outgoing offline, I do not get myself into any trouble while on the internet or off of it. I love to have fun both online and offline, and I may do this by communicating with my friends online or hanging out with my friends offline. All in all, there are some major differences between me online and offline, but I also have numerous similarities in my mannerisms.